All-in-One Report Demo (NSN: 5977016927130, Part Number: 7024512002)
Supplier Parts Availability - item details and contact information for suppliers holding stock
Master Cross Reference Data (MCRD) - alternate part numbers for national stock numbers
NSN Description MCRL Information
INC: 00302
Cancelled By: |
FAA PMA - Alternate Part Numbers/Manufacturers approved by the Federal Aviation Administration
PMA Part #
(Replacement For OEM PN) |
Approval Means Description |
PMA Holder |
Model Eligibility |
Brush, .25 x .25
(Janitrol 7024512-002, South Wind 717469)
Details Available
RA-21451 |
Details Available
Aerostar Aircraft (PA-60-601, PA-60-601P, S/N 0561 and up),Beech (Raytheon) (58, S/N TH-0437 thru TH-0633, TH-0634 and up. 95-B55, S/N TC-1658 thru TC-1875, TC-1876 and up. 95-E55, S/N TE-0959, TE-0968 thru TE-1048, TE-1049 and up, 58P, S/N TJ-0229 and up, 76, S/N ME-0001 thru ME-0182, ME-0183 and up, D18S, S/N A-1-0001 thru A-0038),Bell (OH-13E, OH-13H, 47G3BIT, OH-58A, 206A, 206B, 206L),Bombardier, Inc. (CL-215-1A10),Cessna (310, 310B, 310C, 310D, S/N 35025 thru 35546, 35000 thru 35024, 35547 and up. 310F, 310G, 310H, 310I, 310J, 310K, S/N 310-00001 thru 310-10000. 320 thru 320C, S/N 320-00001 thru 320C-00000., 411, S/N 411-0001 thru 411-0200, 414, 414A, S/N 414-0901 thru 414A-0217, 414A-0218 and up. 421C, S/N 421C-0201 thru 421C-0628, 421C-0629 and up, 310P, 310Q, T310Q, S/N 310Q-0454 and up, 310R, S/N 310R-0001 thru 310R-0800, 310R-0801 and up, 335, 340, 340A, 340A, S/N 340A-0201 thru 340A-0648, 340A-0649 and up., 401, 401A, 401B, 402, S/N 401/402-0001 thru 401/402-0067, 401, S/N 401-0068 and up. 401A, 401B. 402, S/N 402-0068 thru 402A-0000., 402A, 402B, S/N 402A-0001 thru 402B-0445, 402B-0446 and up. 402C, 404, 411, 411A, S/N 411-0201 thru 411-0250, 411-0201 thru 411-0250, 414, S/N 414-0001 thru 414-0261, 414-0262 thru 414-0900. 421, 421A, 421B, S/N 421-0001 thru 421B-0228, 421B-0229 and up. 421C, S/N 421C-0001 thru 421C-0200, T303)
Brush, Kit (2 brushes)
(Janitrol 7024512-002, 7025480-004, South Wind 717469, 717471)
Details Available
RA-21450-1 |
Details Available
Aerostar Aircraft (PA-60-601, PA-60-601P, S/N 0561 and up),Beech (Raytheon) (58P, S/N TJ-0229 and up, 76, S/N ME-0001 thru ME-0182, ME-0183 and up, D18S, S/N A-1-0001 thru A-0038, 58, S/N TH-0437 thru TH-0633, TH-0634 and up. 95-B55, S/N TC-1658 thru TC-1875, TC-1876 and up. 95-E55, S/N TE-0959, TE-0968 thru TE-1048, TE-1049 and up),Bell (OH-13E, OH-13H, 47G3BIT, OH-58A, 206A, 206B, 206L),Bombardier, Inc. (CL-215-1A10),Cessna (411, S/N 411-0001 thru 411-0200, 414, 414A, S/N 414-0901 thru 414A-0217, 414A-0218 and up. 421C, S/N 421C-0201 thru 421C-0628, 421C-0629 and up, 414, S/N 414-0262 thru 414-0900, 414-0001 thru 414-0261. 421, 421A, 421B, S/N 421-0001 thru 421B-0228, 421B, S/N 421B-0229 and up. 421C, S/N 421C-0001 thru 421C-0200, T303, 402A, 402B, S/N 402A-0001 thru 402B-0445. 402A, 402B, S/N 402B-0446 and up. 402C, 404. 411, 411A, S/N 411-0201 thru 411-0250, 411-0201 thru 411-0250., 340A, S/N 340A-0201 thru 340A-0648, 340A-0649 and up, 401, 401A, 401B, 402, S/N 401/402-0001 thru 401/402-0067, 401, S/N 401-0068 and up. 401A, 401B. 402, S/N 402-0068 thru 402A-0000, 310, 310B, 310C, 310D, S/N 35025 thru 35546, 310, 310B, 310C, 310D, S/N 35000 thru 35024, 310, 310B, 310C, 310D, S/N 35547 and up, 310F, 310G, 310H, 310I, 310J, 310K, S/N 310-00001 thru 310-10000, 320 thru 320C, S/N 320-00001 thru 320C-00000, 310P, 310Q, T310Q, S/N 310Q-0454 and up, 310R, S/N 310R-0001 thru 310R-0800, 310R-0801 and up, 335, 340, 340A)
Technical Characteristics - detailed information such as measurements and material type for national stock numbers
Item Name |
Technical Characteristics |
Management Data - US Gov't supply management data (costs, storage, etc.)
NSN Item Name |
Management Data |
![](/images/clear.gif) BRUSH,ELECTRICAL CONTACT
Criticality |
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Details Available