Pallet containing 4 EA nozzle valves, 4 EA autocoupler assemblies, hose assembly, guage, retainer nut, and more. Export controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available February 22nd from 8 am to 12 pm.
Pallet containing 3 EA aircraft air temperature control box: p3 patrol aircraft. leveling plate. 36 EA (approx) fluid passage bolts: rst end connection type threaded external tube, overall length 1.031 inches nominal, wrenching feature style hexagon. 96 EA (approx) terminal boards: body style strip type, terminal row quantity 3 and more. Preview is available February 22nd from 8 am to 12 pm.
Box containing 2 EA electrical solenoid: body style cylindrical frame, voltage rating in volts 30.0 dc maximum, current rating 1.5 amperes nominal, linear force delivered 50.00 pounds, duty type continuous. Saturable reactor: raytheon company and more. Preview is available March 7th from 8 am to 12 pm.
4212 ea (apprx) items to include motor starter: Rockwell Automation Inc., electric motor parts kit, saturable reactors, circuit breaker, pressure switch, motor driven relay, push switch Aerospace Inc. solenoid, electrical special purpose cable assemblies, radio frequency cable assemblies, electrical solenoid body style cylindrical frame; voltage rating in volts 30.0 dc maximum; current rating 1.5 amperes nominal; linear force delivered 50.00 pounds; duty type continuous. Saturable reactor Raytheon company, special purpose cable assembly: attack aircraft (ea-6b). Alternating current motor: shaft rotation direction clockwise single end; power rating 0.0400 horsepower output; connection type and voltage rating in volts 115.0 line to neutral single input; phase single input, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment. Preview is available Wednesday, June 6th from 8:00-12:00.