1 Triwall Electrical Relays and Resistors to include: 236(apprx) AIL Systems, semiconductor device retainer, P/ N TXP0508N1; 25ea Marloni, connector plug, P/ N PC-675015-1; 17ea Simmons, variable resistor, P/ N 485289001; 12ea Electromagnetic relays; 6ea GE Relays, P/ N IC5181C103A3XXBX
35 ea, Allied Signal Inc Aerospace Equipment Systems, electromagnet relay, winding DC resistance rating 200 OHMS single winding, continuous duty type, main contact load contact load current rating at maximum rated voltage: 2.0 AMP AC resistive load and 2.0 AM DC, main contact maximum voltage rating in volts: 115.0 AC and 26.5 DC
Technical Characteristics - detailed information such as measurements and material type for national stock numbers