Event #
Lot #
Location |
Total Bid |
QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
Event: 2315
Lot: 9501
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 114
Details Available
5,777 ea (apprx) Lockheed mdl# C-130 shaft switches for Lockheed Hercules transport aircraft, selector plugs for Pratt & Whitney jet engines & components J-52, J-60, JT8D-9, pin-rivets, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, July 12th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 11402
Lot: 2010
Oklahoma City OK |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 150
Details Available
2 Triwalls Electrical to include: Crystal unit holder, P/N: 8004406G1; Electromagnetic relay, P/N: MS24170D1; Fixed capacitor, P/N: 68D1547; Lug terminal, P/N: 2PSR; Variable resistor, P/N: 2RV7NYSJ251251A