Box containing elbow outlet: A9N systems, JP-5 aviation fuels. 4 EA tube elbow: connection type unthreaded internal tube 1st end threaded external tube 2nd end, maximum operating pressure 8000.0 pounds per square inch single response, flow angle 90.0 degrees and more. Export Control may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available February 29th from 8 am to 12 pm.
1875 ea (apprx) Parts and Components to include 1 ea air inlet tube: Boeing Company, 3 ea forward sprockets for F/A-18 fighter support aircraft, 1 ea outlet elbow, 1 ea tube assembly: Lockheed Martin Corporation, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, July 12th from 8 am to 12 pm.
1 Triwall General Commodities: Multiple item lot. For specific lot information and approximate quantities, reference Item Manifest data in the Lot Details tab below. For Lot size and weight information, reference the Shipping Details tab below
Technical Characteristics - detailed information such as measurements and material type for national stock numbers