Event #
Lot #
Location |
Total Bid |
QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
Event: 2213
Lot: 9489
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 47
Details Available
2,068 EA (approx) Aerospace pieces to include bearing, stave shaped: nominal overall thickness 0.748 inches, nominal overall length 36.000 inches, nominal overall width 2.055 inches. 2 EA Packing assembly: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation. 7 EA Diaphragm, valve, flat: griswold industries co. 130 EA (approx) mount, resilient, weapon system: thread size 3/8-16 all threaded portions, major outside diameter 1.250 inches nominal, stud length 2.000 inches nominal first threaded stud, maximum load rating 6400.0 pounds, special features item to swivel 15 deg about center line, height 0.875 inches nominal. 800 ea o-ring: temp rating -65.0 deg fahrenheit and 350.0 deg fahrenheit, cross-sectional height 0.067 inches minimum and 0.073 inches maximum, center hole diameter 0.546 inches minimum and 0.556 inches maximum and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, April 4th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2261
Lot: 9489
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 47
Details Available
2,068 ea (apprx) Aerospace pieces to include bearing, stave shaped: nominal overall thickness 0.748 inches, nominal overall length 36.000 inches, nominal overall width 2.055 inches. 2 ea Packing assembly: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation. 7 ea Diaphragm, valve, flat: griswold industries co. 130 ea (apprx) mount, resilient, weapon system: thread size 3/8-16 all threaded portions, major outside diameter 1.250 inches nominal, stud length 2.000 inches nominal first threaded stud, maximum load rating 6400.0 pounds, special features item to swivel 15 deg about center line, height 0.875 inches nominal. 800 ea o-ring: temp rating -65.0 deg fahrenheit and 350.0 deg fahrenheit, cross-sectional height 0.067 inches minimum and 0.073 inches maximum, center hole diameter 0.546 inches minimum and 0.556 inches maximum and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, May 23rd from 8 am to 12 pm.