Radiator Engine Coolant mfg U S ARMY TANK AUTOMOTIVE COMMAND AMSTA-IM-MM cage#19207, PN:12355394, dimensions are 47X39X8 PREVIEW AND LOAD OUT BY APPOINTMENT.
Mil-Spec Engine Coolant, Radiator. Radiator dim 46" x 40" x 9". Shipping dim 49" x 47" 19". GL will provide tailgate loading assistance. Previews and load outs by appointment only.
Engine Coolant Radiator Mfr 4C8A9-2576 Sn 278753, 4 diameter radiator cap, screen/vent is 44 X 30, overall dimensions 10 1/2 X 47 X 44 1/4, crate dimensions 51 X 48 3/4 X 20 1/2, GL will Provide Tail Gate Loading