Pallet containing 4 EA nozzle valves, 4 EA autocoupler assemblies, hose assembly, guage, retainer nut, and more. Export controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available February 22nd from 8 am to 12 pm.
Pallet containing safety relief valve: flow control device disk, bonnet attachment method union, maximum operating temp 600.0 deg fahrenheit single response. Linear direct valve: 4 way valve port; 0.250 in. series; 4 coils no.493519 6 v0lts 43 watts;493482 12 volts watts43; 493522 volts 100 watts 43. Disk valves: outside diameter 1.568 inches nominal, overall height 1.105 inches nominal, seat angle 90.0 degrees nominal and more. Preview is available February 22nd from 8 am to 12 pm.
Management Data - US Gov't supply management data (costs, storage, etc.)